Drafted Teams Break Tutorial


CSB Drafted Team Breaks!

We have recently launched a new style of breaks called “Drafted Teams”.  The basic idea is instead of getting a completely random team, you can now rank the teams in a break from 1-30 to your preference, and you will be randomly given a draft pick.  When it’s your pick, the website will automatically look through your list from #1-#30 and select your highest ranked remaining team!  This is a cool way to still get a PC team that you might prefer even if you don’t get a top random spot!  Or get teams that you may feel have higher value than others!

Here’s a quick tutorial of how it works:

After purchasing a spot in the break you will be automatically redirected to rank your teams.  You simply drag and drop the teams to your preference and hit lock when you are done.  After you hit lock you can also choose to save that ranking as a template and save it for later. That way when you buy a spot again you can just apply the saved template.  You can make up to 10 different templates and delete them at any time.

When the break is full and we are getting ready to open the boxes or case, I will run the draft live. It can all be seen on the live video feed page.  The website will random all participants eight times and then run the draft.  Sort of like the NBA Draft Lottery, the website will reveal the picks and teams starting from pick #30 all the way to #1!  The suspense builds as the picks get lower and you haven’t seen your name yet!  If you want to see the results of the 8 randoms they will be shown after the random in your “my account” under “my randoms”.  There’s also an area in your account called, “My drafts” which will show the results of the draft!

I’ve made a full video tutorial here as well if you’d like to see it all in live action!