2022 Topps Finest Star Wars Checklist

2022 Topps Finest Star Wars

Release Date: July 29, 2022

2022 Topps Finest Star Wars will feature actor autographs from the most iconic and cherished characters, along with collectible inserts from Star War s popular Disney+ shows and The High Republic Book series!

See the full checklist here – 2022 Topps Finest Star Wars

SKU: 542593 Categories: ,



  • Back by popular demand, Topps is again extending its popular Finest line into the Star Wars galaxy.
  • 2 hits per master box, with one autograph or sketch card guaranteed!



2022 Topps Finest Star Wars will combine Topps’ renowned Chrome technology with bold new card designs. Look for an array of colorful parallels across all base and insert card sets.

Base Cards:  Featuring 100 Characters from across the Star Wars SagaBase Card Obi-Wan Kenobi

  • Refractor Parallel
  • Blue Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 150
  • Green Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 99
  • Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50
  • Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25
  • Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10
  • Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5
  • SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1



Extended Base Card Set: Featuring 20 alternate versions of characters who are featured in
the base set.

  • Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50
  • Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5
  • SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1

The High Republic Concept Art:The Mandalorian Insert, Grogu

  • Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50
  • Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5
  • SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1

The Book of Boba Fett:

  • Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50
  • Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5
  • SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1

The Bad Batch:

  • Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50
  • Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5
  • SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1

The Mandalorian: Featuring Characters from Seasons 1 & 2

  • Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50
  • Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5
  • SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1

AUTOGRAPHSPrime Autograph - Red Refractor, Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader

Finest Autographs:

  • Purple Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 299
  • Blue Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 199
  • Aqua Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 199
  • Green Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 99
  • Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50
  • Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25
  • Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10
  • Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5
  • SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1

The Mandalorian & The Book of Boba Fett Autographs:The Mandalorian, Koska Reeves

  • Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50
  • Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25
  • Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10
  • Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5
  • SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1

Prime Autographs: Featuring Autographs from Star Wars legends and fan favorites

  • Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5
  • SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1



Sketch Cards:

  • Featuring characters and scenes from across the entire saga, and also including Disney+ shows such as The Bad Batch , The Mandalorian Seasons 1 & 2, and The Book of Boba Fett

Shaped Sketch Cards:

  • Die cut cards in the shape of R2 D2
  • Look out for other rare autographs and die cut cards!

View the checklist here!

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100 card set.

1Adi Gallia A
2Admiral Ackbar A
3Ahsoka Tano A
4Allegiant General Pryde A
5Anakin Skywalker A
6Asajj Ventress A
7Axe Woves A
8Babu Frik B
9Bail Organa B
10Barriss Offee B
11Baze Malbus B
12BB-8 B
13Beaumont Kin B
14Bo-Katan Kryze B
15Burg B
16C-3PO C
17Cad Bane C
18Captain Phasma C
19Carson Teva C
20Cassian Andor C
21Chewbacca C
22Chirrut Îmwe C
23Chopper C
24Cid C
25Cobb Vanth C
26Count Dooku C
27Crosshair C
28Dark Side Rey D
29Darth Maul D
30Darth Vader D
31Dryden Vos D
32Echo E
33Even Piell E
34Ezra Bridger E
35Fennec Shand F
36Finn F
37First Order Stormtrooper F
38Frog Lady F
39Galen Erso G
40General Grievous G
41General Hux G
42Gor Koresh G
43Grand Inquisitor G
44Grand Moff Tarkin G
45Greef Karga G
46Grogu G
47Han Solo H
48Hera Syndulla H
49Hunter H
50Imperial Stormtrooper I
51Jannah J
52Jar Jar Binks J
53Jyn Erso J
54K-2SO K
55Kanan Jarrus K
56Kaydel Ko Connix K
57Koska Reeves K
58Kylo Ren K
59Lando Calrissian L
60Leia Organa L
61Lyra Erso L
62Mace Windu M
63Maz Kanata M
64Migs Mayfeld M
65Moff Gideon M
66Mon Mothma M
67Obi-Wan Kenobi O
68Ochi of Bestoon O
69Omega O
70Padmé Amidala P
71Palpatine P
72Peli Motto P
73Poe Dameron P
74Qi'ra Q
75Director Krennic D
76Qui-Gon Jinn Q
77Quinlan Vos Q
78R2-D2 R
79Rex R
80Rey R
81Rose Tico R
82Sabine Wren S
83Saw Gerrera S
84Sith Trooper S
85Supreme Leader Snoke S
86Tech T
87The Armorer T
88The Client T
89The Mandalorian T
90Todo 360 T
91Trudgen T
92Valin Hess V
93Vice Admiral Holdo V
94Watto W
95Wrecker W
96Xi'an X
97Yoda Y
98Zeb Orrelios Z
99Zero Z
100Zorii Bliss Z
Extended Base

20 card set.

101Ahsoka Tano A
102Anakin Skywalker A
103BB-8 B
104C-3PO C
105Captain Phasma C
106Chewbacca C
107Count Dooku C
108Maul M
109Darth Vader D
110Fennec Shand F
111Grogu G
112Han Solo H
113Kylo Ren K
114General Leia Organa G
115Obi-Wan Kenobi O
116R2-D2 R
117Rey R
118The Mandalorian T
119Finn F
120Yoda Y
Galaxys Finest Heroes Die Cut Autograph

20 card set.

GF-AEAshley Eckstein A
GF-ATAlan Tudyk A
GF-BDWBilly Dee Williams B
GF-BLBillie Lourd B
GF-DYDonnie Yen D
GF-FPJFreddie Prinze Jr. F
GF-HQHugh Quarshie H
GF-JATJames Arnold Taylor J
GF-JBJohn Boyega J
GF-JHJessica Henwick J
GF-KMTKelly Marie Tran K
GF-LDLaura Dern L
GF-NANaomi Ackie N
GF-ODOlivia d'Abo O
GF-PLPhil Lamarr P
GF-PSLPaul Sun-Hyung Lee P
GF-RARiz Ahmed R
GF-RADRobin Atkin Downes R
GF-RDRosario Dawson R
GF-TGTaylor Gray T
Base Autograph

69 card set.

FA-ABAhmed Best A
FA-ABRAnna Brewster A
FA-ADAnnabelle Davis A
FA-AEAlden Ehrenreich A
FA-AHAlan Harris A
FA-APAngelique Perrin A
FA-APEAlistair Petrie A
FA-ASAndy Serkis A
FA-ATAlan Tudyk A
FA-BLBillie Lourd B
FA-BMBen Mendelsohn B
FA-BVBrian Vernel B
FA-CACas Anvar C
FA-CBCaroline Blakiston C
FA-CCCrystal Clarke C
FA-CHClint Howard C
FA-CMCameron Monaghan C
FA-CPChris Parsons C
FA-DBDante Briggins D
FA-DBBDee Bradley Baker D
FA-DGDomhnall Gleeson D
FA-DMDominic Monaghan D
FA-DYDonnie Yen D
FA-EKErin Kellyman E
FA-ESEmily Swallow E
FA-FWForest Whitaker F
FA-GGGreg Grunberg G
FA-GTGeorge Takei G
FA-ILIan Whyte I
FA-IMCIan McElhinney I
FA-JAJosef Altin J
FA-JBJeremy Bulloch J
FA-JCJim Cummings J
FA-JDJulie Dolan J
FA-JIJason Isaacs J
FA-JSJason Spisak J
FA-JTJohn Tui J
FA-KKKaty Kartwheel K
FA-KMTKelly Marie Tran K
FA-LCLily Cole L
FA-MCMichaela Cottrell M
FA-MDMark Dodson M
FA-MMMads Mikkelsen M
FA-MSMeredith Salenger M
FA-MWMatthew Wood M
FA-NANaomi Ackie N
FA-OFDOliver Ford Davies O
FA-PAPhilip Alexander P
FA-PBPaul Bettany P
FA-PKPaul Kasey P
FA-PLPhil Lamarr P
FA-PRUPaul Reubens P
FA-PWPaul Warren P
FA-RBRichard Brake R
FA-RGRusty Goffe R
FA-RORena Owen R
FA-RPRon Perlman R
FA-SLScott Lawrence S
FA-SMGSarah Michelle Gellar S
FA-SSTStephen Stanton S
FA-SWSam Witwer S
FA-TBTom Baker T
FA-TCTim Curry T
FA-TETom Edden T
FA-TRTim Rose T
FA-VKValene Kane V
FA-VRVinette Robinson V
FA-WDWarwick Davis W
FA-WHWerner Herzog W
The Mandalorian Autograph

10 card set.

MA-CWCarl Weathers C
MA-DLIDiana Lee Inosanto D
MA-GEGiancarlo Esposito G
MA-MVMercedes Varnado M
MA-NNNick Nolte N
MA-OAOmid Abtahi O
MA-SKSimon Kassianides S
MA-TMTemuera Morrison T
MA-TWTaika Waititi T
MA-WHWerner Herzog W
The Book of Boba Fett Autograph

1 card set.

BA-TMTemuera Morrison T
Prime Autograph

9 card set.

PA-ADAdam Driver A
PA-CFCarrie Fisher C
PA-DRDaisy Ridley D
PA-EMEwan McGregor E
PA-FJFelicity Jones F
PA-HCHayden Christensen H
PA-HFHarrison Ford H
PA-NPNatalie Portman N
PA-SJSamuel L. Jackson S
The Mandalorian

20 card set.

MD-1Grogu G
MD-2The Mandalorian T
MD-3Koska Reeves K
MD-4Kuiil K
MD-5IG-11 I
MD-6Boba Fett B
MD-7Fennec Shand F
MD-8Greef Karga G
MD-9Ahsoka Tano A
MD-10Moff Gideon M
MD-11The Armorer T
MD-12Mayfeld M
MD-13Cobb Vanth C
MD-14Peli Motto P
MD-15Bo-Katan Kryze B
MD-16Frog Lady F
MD-17The Client T
MD-18Axe Woves A
MD-19Valin Hess V
MD-20Luke Skywalker L
The Book of Boba Fett

2 card set.

BF-1Boba Fett B
BF-2Fennec Shand F
The Bad Batch

20 card set.

BB-1Hunter H
BB-2Wrecker W
BB-3Tech T
BB-4Crosshair C
BB-5Echo E
BB-6Omega O
BB-7Vice Admiral Rampart V
BB-8Admiral Tarkin A
BB-9Nala Se N
BB-10Lama Su L
BB-11Cid C
BB-12Cut Lawquane C
BB-13Gregor G
BB-14Cad Bane C
BB-15Fennec Shand F
BB-16Saw Gerrera S
BB-17Bolo B
BB-18Ketch K
BB-19Hera Syndulla H
BB-20Cham Syndulla C
The High Republic Concept Art

20 card set.

HR-1Avar Kriss A
HR-2Loden Greatstorm L
HR-3Sskeer S
HR-4Keeve Trennis K
HR-5Ram Jamoram R
HR-6Vernestra Rwoh V
HR-7Yoda Y
HR-8Orla Jareni O
HR-9Bell Zettifar B
HR-10Burryaga B
HR-11Reath Silas R
HR-12Lula Talisola L
HR-13Chancellor Lina Soh C
HR-14Affie Hollow A
HR-15Leox Gyasi L
HR-16Geode G
HR-17The Nihil T
HR-18Lourna Dee L
HR-19Marchion Ro M
HR-20Drengir D
Galaxys Finest Heroes Die Cut

20 card set.

GF-1Luke Skywalker L
GF-2Han Solo H
GF-3Yoda Y
GF-4Leia Organa L
GF-5The Mandalorian T
GF-6Chewbacca C
GF-7Rey R
GF-8Finn F
GF-9R2-D2 R
GF-10Obi-Wan Kenobi O
GF-11Lando Calrissian L
GF-12Jyn Erso J
GF-13Poe Dameron P
GF-14Chirrut Îmwe C
GF-15Ahsoka Tano A
GF-16Saw Gerrera S
GF-17Qui-Gon Jinn Q
GF-18Mace Windu M
GF-19Rose Tico R
GF-20Padmé Amidala P
Sketch Card Artists

1 card set.

NNSemra Bulut S
NNRugved Bhuskute R
NNRobert Stewart R
NNRob Teranishi R
NNQuinton Baker Q
NNRJ Tomascik R
NNRees Finlay R
NNPatricio Carrasco P
NNMatt Stewart M
NNShyla Lee S
NNMarcia Dye M
NNCJ Jones C
NNBrent Scotchmer B
NNWard Silverman W
NNVeronica Smith V
NNAndrew Fry A
NNCamron Johnson C
NNZach Woolsey Z
NNRich Molinelli R
NNBasak Kahraman B
NNJessica Hickman J
NNJamie Cosley J
NNTodd Purnell T
NNYves Van Berlo Y
NNKevin Cleaveland K
NNKevin P. West K
NNDarrin Pepe D
NNJonathan Beistline J
NNJohn Pleak J
NNFrancisco Rivera F
NNBrad Hudson B
NNChris Colyer C
NNDan Lawler D
NNDaniel Riveron D
NNDwayne Carpenter D
NNDawn Murphy D
NNJenna McGrath J
NNAngel Aviles A
NNJay James Manchand J
NNJason Sobol J
NNJason Montoya J
NNJamison Murdock J
NNFrank Sansone F
NNJason Davies J
NNBrandon Blevins B
NNEric Lehtonen E
NNAndrew Perkins A
NNLogan Monette L
NNCyrus Sherkat C
NNBenjamin Lombart B
NNLindsey Greyling L
NNKeith Farnum K
NNJim Mehsling J
NNAllen Grimes A
NNJohn Bruce J
NNOscar Chavez O
NNRyan Finley R
NNRich Hennemann R
NNMichael Munshaw M
NNTim Shinn T
NNTom Amici T
NNVeronica Louro V
NNMarlo Agunos M