2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome Checklist

2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome

Release Date: February 14, 2025

SKU: 765746 Category:


2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome Series 7 Trading Cards

Product Description

The gross-out phenomenon returns with 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome Series 7, transforming the iconic Original Series 7 artwork with premium Chrome technology. This hobby-exclusive release features reimagined classic characters, all-new artwork, and exclusive parallel variations that bring these twisted tots to life like never before.

Box Configuration

– 24 packs per box
– 4 cards per pack
– All-new comic strip card backs by Brent Engstrom
– Hobby-exclusive content

Base Set Features

– 100-card base set featuring:
– Original Series 7 A & B-name variations
– Newly reimagined classic GPK characters
– Chrome technology on premium stock

Premium Parallel Rainbow

– Refractor (1:2 packs)
– NEW! Prism Refractor (1:2.5 packs) – Hobby Exclusive
– Negative Refractor (1:3 packs) – Hobby Exclusive
– Magenta Refractor (1:5 packs) – Hobby Exclusive
– Purple Refractor (1:7 packs) – Hobby Exclusive
– Speckle Refractor (#/299)
– Aqua Refractor (#/199)
– Blue Lava Refractor (#/149)
– Green Refractor (#/99)
– Blue Wave Refractor (#/75)
– Gold Refractor (#/50)
– Orange Refractor (#/25)
– Red Refractor (#/5)
– Superfractor (1/1)

Insert Collections

Hobby-Exclusive Insert Sets:
– NEW! C-Name Variations – Third name variations of Original Series 7 characters
– NEW! Where Are They Now? – Original Series 7 characters updated for 2024
– NEW! Khrome Krasher – Bad driving meets Chrome technology
Insert Parallels:

Aqua (#/199)
Green (#/99)
Blue Wave (#/75)
Gold (#/50)
Orange (#/25)
Red (#/5)
Superfractor (1/1)

Autograph Highlights

– On-card artist autographs featuring:
– David Gross
– Joe Simko
– Additional GPK artists
Autograph Parallels:

Gold Refractor (#/50)
Red Refractor (#/5)
Superfractor (1/1)

Case Hits

– Original 1/1 Artist Sketch Cards – Hobby Exclusive
– Superfractor parallels (1/1)
– Rare artist autographs
– Hobby-exclusive C-Name variations
This premium Chrome release combines the nostalgic appeal of Original Series 7 with modern collecting elements, delivering a must-have product for both GPK enthusiasts and Chrome collectors alike. The hobby-exclusive content and rare parallels provide unique opportunities for set builders and case breakers.

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Base Cards

17 card set.

263aVINCENT Van Gone None
286aHAYLEY Comet None
256aJACK Pot None
276aVANESSA Undresser None
270aCannibal STU None
261aGooey HUEY None
258aMICKEY Mouths None
254aCHRIS Mess None
260aADAM Boom None
277aREUBEN Cube None
251aBarfin' BARBARA None
275aWheel BARRY None
274aReptilian LILLIAN None
273aHaunted FORREST None
272aElastic ELWOOD None
271aBratty MADDY None
278aHave A Nice DAVE None
281aSoured HOWARD None
279aShort MORT None
280aShut-Up SHERWIN None
268aPHIL Grim None
282aScrewey DEWEY None
283aAlien ALAN None
284aMANNY Heads None
285aWind SHEILA None
287aCHRISTINE Vaccine None
288aGRANT Ant None
290aBusted ARMAND None
291aHOMER Runt None
292aStaple GUNTHER None
269aSharpened SHEENA None
289aStair CASEY None
267aTongue Tied TINA None
257aCut-Up CARMEN None
253aRUSS Pus None
266aROY L. Flush None
259aGrilled GIL None
252aMilky WAYNE None
265aCurly SHIRLEY None
255aOn The MARK None
262aBrainless BRYAN None
264aPETE Seat None
255bBull's IRA None
265bBlown JOAN None
279bNOAH Body None
286bJUNE Moon None
276bBanana ANNA None
263bModern ART None
256bMonte CARLO None
270bBrewin' BRUNO None
269bCranky KRISTIN None
268bWILLIAM Penned None
267bBraided BRANDY None
266bShuffled SHERMAN None
264bNOEL Bowl None
259bWell DON None
262bJughead TED None
261bBOBBI Booger None
260bBlasted BILLY II None
272bFLETCHER Stretcher None
258bOral LAUREL None
257bDotted LIONEL None
254bSANDY Clod None
253bLOUISE Squeeze None
252bDairy CARI None
271bDirty BIRDIE None
280bFilled up PHILIP None
273bSappy SARAH None
288bSticky NIKKI None
251bVALERIE Vomit None
292bClipped CLAUDE None
291bScrewball LEW None
290bJIM Nauseum None
287bMedi KATE None
274bJAY Prey None
285bHit N' RONNI None
284bMAX Stacks None
283bMartian MARCIA None
282bBent BRENT None
281bPAUL Bunion None
278bMILES Smiles None
277bBlockhead BLAKE None
275bRollin' ROLAND None
289bALEXANDER The Grate None
AN-1aArmored ARMOND None
AN-1bGladiator GLEN None
AN-2aTIA Pot None
AN-2bKettle GRETEL None
AN-3aDONNY Dumbbell None
AN-3bStrong MANNY None
AN-4aVINCENT Van Gone None
AN-4bModern ART None
AN-5aVANESSA Undresser None
AN-5bBanana ANNA None
AN-6aHAYLEY Comet None
AN-6bJUNE Moon None
AN-7aJACK Pot None
AN-7bMonte CARLO None
AN-8aFun 'N JAMES None
AN-8bTossed ROSS None
Artist Autographs

8 card set.

A-ARArmored ARMOND Brent Engstrom
A-DDDONNY Dumbbell Brent Engstrom
A-FJFun 'N JAMES Neil Camera
A-HAHAYLEY Comet Joe Simko
A-JAJACK Pot Neil Camera
A-TPTIA Pot Brent Engstrom
A-VAVANESSA Undresser Smokin' Joe
A-VIVINCENT Van Gone Smokin' Joe
Rory McQueen Variation Autographs

42 card set.

RA-AAAlien ALAN Rory McQueen
RA-ABADAM Boom Rory McQueen
RA-BABusted ARMAND Rory McQueen
RA-BBBarfin' BARBARA Rory McQueen
RA-BMBratty MADDY Rory McQueen
RA-BRBrainless BRYAN Rory McQueen
RA-CCCut-Up CARMEN Rory McQueen
RA-CKSharpened SHEENA Rory McQueen
RA-CMCHRIS Mess Rory McQueen
RA-CSCannibal STU Rory McQueen
RA-CUCurly SHIRLEY Rory McQueen
RA-CVCHRISTINE Vaccine Rory McQueen
RA-EEElastic ELWOOD Rory McQueen
RA-GAGRANT Ant Rory McQueen
RA-GGGrilled GIL Rory McQueen
RA-GHGooey HUEY Rory McQueen
RA-HCHAYLEY Comet Rory McQueen
RA-HDHave A Nice DAVE Rory McQueen
RA-HFHaunted FORREST Rory McQueen
RA-HRHOMER Runt Rory McQueen
RA-JPJACK Pot Rory McQueen
RA-MHMANNY Heads Rory McQueen
RA-MMMICKEY Mouths Rory McQueen
RA-MWMilky WAYNE Rory McQueen
RA-OMOn The MARK Rory McQueen
RA-PGPHIL Grim Rory McQueen
RA-PSPETE Seat Rory McQueen
RA-RCREUBEN Cube Rory McQueen
RA-RFROY L. Flush Rory McQueen
RA-RLReptilian LILLIAN Rory McQueen
RA-RPRUSS Pus Rory McQueen
RA-SCStair CASEY Rory McQueen
RA-SDScrewey DEWEY Rory McQueen
RA-SGStaple GUNTHER Rory McQueen
RA-SHSoured HOWARD Rory McQueen
RA-SMShort MORT Rory McQueen
RA-SSShut-Up SHERWIN Rory McQueen
RA-TTTTongue Tied TINA Rory McQueen
RA-VUVANESSA Undresser Rory McQueen
RA-VVGVINCENT Van Gone Rory McQueen
RA-WBWheel BARRY Rory McQueen
RA-WSWind SHEILA Rory McQueen
Where Are They Now

42 card set.

W-251aBarfin' BARBARA None
W-252aMilky WAYNE None
W-253aRUSS Pus None
W-254aCHRIS Mess None
W-255aOn The MARK None
W-256aJACK Pot None
W-257aCut-Up CARMEN None
W-258aMICKEY Mouths None
W-259aGrilled GIL None
W-260aADAM Boom None
W-261aGooey HUEY None
W-262aBrainless BRYAN None
W-263aVINCENT Van Gone None
W-264aPETE Seat None
W-265aCurly SHIRLEY None
W-266aROY L. Flush None
W-267aTongue Tied TINA None
W-268aPHIL Grim None
W-269aSharpened SHEENA None
W-270aCannibal STU None
W-271aBratty MADDY None
W-272aElastic ELWOOD None
W-273aHaunted FORREST None
W-274aReptilian LILLIAN None
W-275aWheel BARRY None
W-276aVANESSA Undresser None
W-277aREUBEN Cube None
W-278aHave A Nice DAVE None
W-279aShort MORT None
W-280aShut-Up SHERWIN None
W-281aSoured HOWARD None
W-282aScrewey DEWEY None
W-283aAlien ALAN None
W-284aMANNY Heads None
W-285aWind SHEILA None
W-286aHAYLEY Comet None
W-287aCHRISTINE Vaccine None
W-288aGRANT Ant None
W-289aStair CASEY None
W-290aBusted ARMAND None
W-291aHOMER Runt None
W-292aStaple GUNTHER None
Khrome Krushers

20 card set.

1ADAM Boom None
2Cannibal STU None
3CHRIS Mess None
4Blown JOAN None
5Gooey HUEY None
6MICKEY Mouths None
7NOAH Body None
8Bull's IRA None
9Stapler GUNTHER None
10VINCENT Van Gone None
11Dryer Flyer None
12Wheelie Board None
13The Van Go-Go None
14Christmas Slay None
15The Gooey Guzzler None
16Motor Mouth II None
17Speed Stapler None
18The Atomic Boomer None
19Cannibal Run None
20Marked Van None
Sketch Card Artists

1 card set.

Kimber Grobman None
Shane Garvey None
Adam Dobrzeniecki None
Adam Edwards None
Keith Farnum None
Karl Jones None
Joey Fitchett None
Robert Garcia None
Robert Jimenez None
Lowell Isaac None
Patrick Giles None
Kelly Greider None
Rusty Gilligan None
Daniel Goodroad None
Guy Holzer None
Terry Gordon None
Ryan Harris None
Robert Harris None
Dustin Graham None
J Hammond None
Vincenzo D'Ippolito None
Steve Crockett None
Michael Davidson None
Sam Barugh None
David Acevedo None
Simone Arena None
Andrew Artz None
Robert Ball None
Bobby Blakey None
Ted Dastick Jr None
Jason Bryant None
Kyle Calmbacher None
Neil Camera None
Nik Castenada None
Slippa Chervascus None
Tom Clinton None
Jasmine Contois None
Daniel Contois None
Sobot Cortez None
Jeff Cox None
Rickey Kipfer None
Jason Crosby None
Debjit Kar None
Dan Lydiate None
Brandon Klein None
Vini Pirani None
Steve Stylianou None
Julien Pannetier None
Mike Stephens None
Mark Parisi None
Matt Steffens None
Kris Penix None
Barry Spears None
Darrin Pepe None
Brandhen Snyder None
Anthony Pietszak None
Bryan Siegel None
Erik Muller None
Vincent Rappa None
Jean Pierre Seminario None
Cathy Razim None
Paul Reynolds None
Brent Scotchmer None
Eddie Rhodes III None
Rich Rios None
Mike Ritchey None
Lee Rumball None
Chad Scheres None
Justin Olson None
Gregory Tilson None
Julie Kuaniver None
Rory McQueen None
Jim Kyle None
Mike LaPeruta None
Eric Lassen None
Aaron Laurich None
Fox Layng None
Cesar Lopez None
Carmen SantaFerrara None
Steve Martin None
Mike McHugh None
Julia McKenzie None
Eric Medina None
Nik Muggli None
Chris Meeks None
Gavin Williams None
Sandy Meeks None
Lily Mercado None
Marion Carole Miller None
Nicole Vuong None
Rich Molinelli None
Greg Treize None
John Monserrat None
Victor Moreno None
Clinton Yeager None
Remember The Name Short Prints

10 card set.

A-ABADAM Bomb None
A-ASAPRIL Showers None
A-BBBuggy BETTY None
A-BBSBad Breath SETH None
A-DTDead TED None
A-NNNasty NICK None
A-NWDNew Wave DAVE None
GPK Collector Card

1 card set.

CC-SSSuperfractor SEAN None
C Name Variations

9 card set.

288cOSBORNE Swarm None
262cDroopy DRAKE None
276cPAULA Plantain None
275cCarry All SAUL None
274cCoiled COBY None
273cAwoke OAK None
272cGawking HAWKINS None
271cDrumstick NICK None
270cBoiling BAILEY None
269cPENNY Pencils None
268cShamed SEAMUS None
267cTwisted BLISS None
266cPIERRE of Kings None
265cHERR Done None
264cJOHN John None
263cDeafened STEPHEN None
261cHAZEL Discharge None
278cJOEY Emoji None
259cMedium WARE None
258cLips GALLAGHER None
257cOutline LEVINE None
256cWinning WINNIE None
255cPerfect AMY None
254cNot-So-Jolly NICK None
253cPopping PABLO None
252cUdder GLOVER None
251cPAMELA Puke None
277cPuzzling PAULIE None
260cCOLT Kaboom None
279cCocky ROCKY None
280cClogged KELLOGG None
283cInvader JIM None
285cSplatty NATTIE None
281cRevolting COLTEN None
284cKENNY Noggins None
287cNeedle NESSA None
286cMeteor MIKE None
289cEscalate NATE None
290cDisjointed DERRICK None
291cBUTCH League None
292cAttached ALLY None
282cGears of MOORE None
AN-1cMedieval MAX None
AN-2cSteamy MIMI None
AN-3cMustachio DIMAGGIO None
AN-4cSnippy SKIPPY None
AN-5cPeeled PENELOPE None
AN-6cSLATER Crater None
AN-7cWinning WAYNE None
AN-8cKnucklebones JONES None