Pokémon Crown Zenith
Release Date: January 20, 2023
Crown Zenith is the final expansion of the Pokemon TCG Sword and Shield series. This special set also features a subset of 70 cards called the Galarian Gallery.
See the full checklist here – Pokémon Crown Zenith Checklist
Pokémon Crown Zenith
Pokémon Crown Zenith
- Crown Zenith is the final expansion of the Pokemon TCG Sword and Shield series. This special set also features a subset of 70 cards called the Galarian Gallery.
- You’ll be able to see your favourite rare cards return, with VSTAR Palkia and Dialga stealing the show in Secret Rare Gold rarity.
- The main set contains 160 cards, including one Secret Rare Pikachu. Other notable cards include a Radiant Charizard, a collection of Rayquaza V cards and more.

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Holo Rare
Holo Rare V
Holo Rare VMAX
Holo Rare VSTAR
Radiant Rare
Secret Rare
Ultra Rare
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Full Set
160 card set
# | Character | Type | Element | |
1 | Oddish | Common | Grass | |
2 | Gloom | Uncommon | Grass | |
3 | Bellossom | Rare | Grass | |
4 | Tangela | Common | Grass | |
5 | Tangrowth | Rare | Grass | |
6 | Scyther | Common | Grass | |
7 | Sunkern | Common | Grass | |
8 | Yanma | Common | Grass | |
9 | Yanmega | Rare | Grass | |
10 | Kricketot | Common | Grass | |
11 | Cherubi | Common | Grass | |
12 | Carnivine | Uncommon | Grass | |
13 | Leafeon V | Holo Rare V | Grass | |
14 | Leafeon VSTAR | Holo Rare VSTAR | Grass | |
15 | Grubbin | Common | Grass | |
16 | Zarude | Holo Rare | Grass | |
17 | Calyrex | Holo Rare | Grass | |
18 | Charizard V | Holo Rare V | Fire | |
19 | Charizard VSTAR | Holo Rare VSTAR | Fire | |
20 | Radiant Charizard | Radiant Rare | Fire | |
21 | Entei | Holo Rare | Fire | |
22 | Simisear V | Holo Rare V | Fire | |
23 | Simisear VSTAR | Holo Rare VSTAR | Fire | |
24 | Larvesta | Common | Fire | |
25 | Volcarona | Rare | Fire | |
26 | Volcanion | Holo Rare | Fire | |
27 | Salandit | Common | Fire | |
28 | Salazzle | Uncommon | Fire | |
29 | Seel | Common | Water | |
30 | Galarian Mr. Mime | Common | Water | |
31 | Wailmer | Common | Water | |
32 | Wailord | Rare | Water | |
33 | Corphish | Common | Water | |
34 | Snorunt | Common | Water | |
35 | Luvdisc | Common | Water | |
36 | Kyogre | Holo Rare | Water | |
37 | Kyogre V | Holo Rare V | Water | |
38 | Glaceon V | Holo Rare V | Water | |
39 | Shinx | Common | Lightning | |
40 | Shinx | Common | Lightning | |
41 | Luxio | Uncommon | Lightning | |
42 | Luxio | Uncommon | Lightning | |
43 | Luxray | Rare | Lightning | |
44 | Luxray | Rare | Lightning | |
45 | Rotom V | Holo Rare V | Lightning | |
46 | Rotom VSTAR | Holo Rare VSTAR | Lightning | |
47 | Emolga | Common | Lightning | |
48 | Eelektrik | Uncommon | Lightning | |
49 | Helioptile | Common | Lightning | |
50 | Heliolisk | Rare | Lightning | |
51 | Radiant Charjabug | Radiant Rare | Lightning | |
52 | Zeraora | Rare | Lightning | |
53 | Zeraora V | Holo Rare V | Lightning | |
54 | Zeraora VMAX | Holo Rare VMAX | Lightning | |
55 | Zeraora VSTAR | Holo Rare VSTAR | Lightning | |
56 | Pincurchin | Uncommon | Lightning | |
57 | Exeggcute | Common | Psychic | |
58 | Exeggutor | Rare | Psychic | |
59 | Mewtwo | Holo Rare | Psychic | |
60 | Mew V | Holo Rare V | Psychic | |
61 | Girafarig | Uncommon | Psychic | |
62 | Lunatone | Uncommon | Psychic | |
63 | Dusclops | Uncommon | Psychic | |
64 | Tapu Lele | Holo Rare | Psychic | |
65 | Hatterene V | Holo Rare V | Psychic | |
66 | Hatterene VMAX | Holo Rare VMAX | Psychic | |
67 | Enamorus | Rare | Psychic | |
68 | Graveler | Uncommon | Fighting | |
69 | Solrock | Uncommon | Fighting | |
70 | Baltoy | Common | Fighting | |
71 | Riolu | Common | Fighting | |
72 | Pancham | Common | Fighting | |
73 | Rockruff | Common | Fighting | |
74 | Lycanroc | Rare | Fighting | |
75 | Koffing | Common | Dark | |
76 | Absol | Holo Rare | Dark | |
77 | Purrloin | Common | Dark | |
78 | Liepard | Rare | Dark | |
79 | Krokorok | Uncommon | Dark | |
80 | Pangoro | Rare | Dark | |
81 | Skrelp | Common | Dark | |
82 | Dragalge | Rare | Dark | |
83 | Hoopa | Holo Rare | Dark | |
84 | Galarian Meowth | Common | Metal | |
85 | Galarian Perrserker | Rare | Metal | |
86 | Scizor | Rare | Metal | |
87 | Aron | Common | Metal | |
88 | Lairon | Uncommon | Metal | |
89 | Aggron | Holo Rare | Metal | |
90 | Metang | Uncommon | Metal | |
91 | Pawniard | Common | Metal | |
92 | Pawniard | Common | Metal | |
93 | Bisharp | Uncommon | Metal | |
94 | Zacian | Holo Rare | Metal | |
95 | Zacian V | Holo Rare V | Metal | |
96 | Zacian VSTAR | Holo Rare VSTAR | Metal | |
97 | Zamazenta | Holo Rare | Metal | |
98 | Zamazenta V | Holo Rare V | Metal | |
99 | Zamazenta VSTAR | Holo Rare VSTAR | Metal | |
100 | Rayquaza V | Holo Rare V | Dark | |
101 | Rayquaza VMAX | Holo Rare VMAX | Dark | |
102 | Rayquaza VMAX | Holo Rare VMAX | Dark | |
103 | Duraludon V | Holo Rare V | Dark | |
104 | Duraludon VMAX | Holo Rare VMAX | Dark | |
105 | Radiant Eternatus | Radiant Rare | Dark | |
106 | Tauros | Rare | Colorless | |
107 | Ditto | Holo Rare | Colorless | |
108 | Eevee V | Holo Rare V | Colorless | |
109 | Snorlax | Rare | Colorless | |
110 | Starly | Common | Colorless | |
111 | Bidoof | Common | Colorless | |
112 | Chatot | Common | Colorless | |
113 | Regigigas V | Holo Rare V | Colorless | |
114 | Regigigas VSTAR | Holo Rare VSTAR | Colorless | |
115 | Shaymin | Uncommon | Colorless | |
116 | Stoutland V | Holo Rare V | Colorless | |
117 | Yungoos | Common | Colorless | |
118 | Gumshoos | Rare | Colorless | |
119 | Oranguru | Rare | Colorless | |
120 | Greedent V | Holo Rare V | Colorless | |
121 | Wooloo | Common | Colorless | |
122 | Dubwool | Rare | Colorless | |
123 | Bea | Holo Rare | Support | |
124 | Bede | Holo Rare | Support | |
125 | Crushing Hammer | Uncommon | Support | |
126 | Digging Duo | Uncommon | Support | |
127 | Energy Retrieval | Common | Support | |
128 | Energy Search | Common | Support | |
129 | Energy Switch | Uncommon | Support | |
130 | Friends in Hisui | Uncommon | Support | |
131 | Friends in Sinnoh | Uncommon | Support | |
132 | Great Ball | Uncommon | Support | |
133 | Hop | Holo Rare | Support | |
134 | Leon | Holo Rare | Support | |
135 | Lost Vacuum | Uncommon | Support | |
136 | Nessa | Holo Rare | Support | |
137 | Poké Ball | Common | Support | |
138 | Pokémon Catcher | Uncommon | Support | |
139 | Potion | Common | Support | |
140 | Raihan | Holo Rare | Support | |
141 | Rare Candy | Uncommon | Support | |
142 | Rescue Carrier | Uncommon | Support | |
143 | Sky Seal Stone | Holo Rare | Support | |
144 | Switch | Common | Support | |
145 | Trekking Shoes | Uncommon | Support | |
146 | Ultra Ball | Uncommon | Support | |
147 | Elesa’s Sparkle | Ultra Rare | Support | |
148 | Friends in Hisui | Ultra Rare | Support | |
149 | Friends in Sinnoh | Ultra Rare | Support | |
150 | Professor’s Research (Professor Rowan) | Ultra Rare | Support | |
151 | Volo | Ultra Rare | Support | |
152 | Basic Grass Energy | Ultra Rare | Grass | |
153 | Basic Fire Energy | Ultra Rare | Fire | |
154 | Basic Water Energy | Ultra Rare | Water | |
155 | Basic Lightning Energy | Ultra Rare | Lightning | |
156 | Basic Psychic Energy | Ultra Rare | Psychic | |
157 | Basic Fighting Energy | Ultra Rare | Fighting | |
158 | Basic Darkness Energy | Ultra Rare | Dark | |
159 | Basic Metal Energy | Ultra Rare | Metal | |
160 | Pikachu | Secret Rare | Lightning |