Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Paldean Fates
Release Date: January 26, 2024
The spotlight glistens on Shiny Pokémon making their fated return to the Pokémon TCG! Shiny Pikachu blazes the path forward as Tinkaton, Ceruledge, Dondozo, and more than 100 other Shiny Pokémon follow. Meanwhile, Great Tusk and Iron Treads appear as Ancient and Future Pokémon ex, and Charizard, Forretress, and Espathra show off their own unique skills as Shiny Tera Pokémon ex. Shed some light and discover sparkling wonders in the Scarlet & Violet—Paldean Fates expansion!
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Paldean Fates
The spotlight glistens on Shiny Pokémon making their fated return to the Pokémon TCG! Shiny Pikachu blazes the path forward as Tinkaton, Ceruledge, Dondozo, and more than 100 other Shiny Pokémon follow. Meanwhile, Great Tusk and Iron Treads appear as Ancient and Future Pokémon ex, and Charizard, Forretress, and Espathra show off their own unique skills as Shiny Tera Pokémon ex. Shed some light and discover sparkling wonders in the Scarlet & Violet—Paldean Fates expansion!

# | Character | Type | Element | |
1 | Pineco | Common | Grass | |
2 | Forretress ex | Double Rare | Grass | |
3 | Maractus | Common | Grass | |
4 | Toedscool | Common | Grass | |
5 | Toedscruel ex | Double Rare | Grass | |
6 | Espathra ex | Double Rare | Grass | |
7 | Charmander | Common | Fire | |
8 | Charmeleon | Uncommon | Fire | |
9 | Magmar | Common | Fire | |
10 | Magmortar | Rare | Fire | |
11 | Numel | Common | Fire | |
12 | Camerupt | Uncommon | Fire | |
13 | Heat Rotom | Rare | Fire | |
14 | Charcadet | Common | Fire | |
15 | Armarouge | Rare | Fire | |
16 | Lapras | Common | Water | |
17 | Frigibax | Common | Water | |
18 | Pikachu | Common | Lightning | |
19 | Raichu | Rare | Lightning | |
20 | Chinchou | Common | Lightning | |
21 | Lanturn | Uncommon | Lightning | |
22 | Kilowattrel | Uncommon | Lightning | |
23 | Exeggcute | Common | Psychic | |
24 | Exeggutor | Rare | Psychic | |
25 | Natu | Common | Psychic | |
26 | Xatu | Rare | Psychic | |
27 | Ralts | Common | Psychic | |
28 | Kirlia | Uncommon | Psychic | |
29 | Gardevoir ex | Double Rare | Psychic | |
30 | Chimecho | Common | Psychic | |
31 | Mime Jr. | Common | Psychic | |
32 | Woobat | Common | Psychic | |
33 | Swoobat | Uncommon | Psychic | |
34 | Cottonee | Common | Psychic | |
35 | Whimsicott | Uncommon | Psychic | |
36 | Dedenne | Common | Psychic | |
37 | Mimikyu | Rare | Psychic | |
38 | Fidough | Common | Psychic | |
39 | Dachsbun | Uncommon | Psychic | |
40 | Ceruledge | Rare | Psychic | |
41 | Flittle | Common | Psychic | |
42 | Greavard | Common | Psychic | |
43 | Houndstone | Rare | Psychic | |
44 | Gimmighoul | Common | Psychic | |
45 | Mankey | Common | Fighting | |
46 | Primeape | Uncommon | Fighting | |
47 | Annihilape | Rare | Fighting | |
48 | Phanpy | Common | Fighting | |
49 | Donphan | Uncommon | Fighting | |
50 | Barboach | Common | Fighting | |
51 | Clobbopus | Common | Fighting | |
52 | Grapploct | Uncommon | Fighting | |
53 | Great Tusk ex | Double Rare | Fighting | |
54 | Charizard ex | Double Rare | Fighting | |
55 | Gastly | Common | Dark | |
56 | Haunter | Common | Dark | |
57 | Gengar | Uncommon | Dark | |
58 | Paldean Wooper | Common | Dark | |
59 | Paldean Clodsire ex | Double Rare | Dark | |
60 | Scraggy | Common | Dark | |
61 | Scrafty | Uncommon | Dark | |
62 | Maschiff | Common | Dark | |
63 | Mabosstiff | Rare | Dark | |
64 | Varoom | Common | Metal | |
65 | Revavroom | Rare | Metal | |
66 | Iron Treads ex | Double Rare | Metal | |
67 | Gholdengo | Rare | Metal | |
68 | Noibat | Common | Dragon | |
69 | Noivern ex | Double Rare | Dragon | |
70 | Cyclizar | Rare | Dragon | |
71 | Lechonk | Common | Colorless | |
72 | Oinkologne | Uncommon | Colorless | |
73 | Tandemaus | Common | Colorless | |
74 | Maushold | Uncommon | Colorless | |
75 | Squawkabilly ex | Double Rare | Colorless | |
76 | Artazon | Uncommon | Support | |
77 | Atticus | Uncommon | Support | |
78 | Clive | Uncommon | Support | |
79 | Electric Generator | Uncommon | Support | |
80 | Iono | Uncommon | Support | |
81 | Moonlit Hill | Uncommon | Support | |
82 | Nemona | Common | Support | |
83 | Nemona’s Backpack | Uncommon | Support | |
84 | Nest Ball | Uncommon | Support | |
85 | Paldean Student | Common | Support | |
86 | Paldean Student | Common | Support | |
87 | Professor’s Research (Professor Sada) | Rare | Support | |
88 | Professor’s Research (Professor Turo) | Rare | Support | |
89 | Rare Candy | Common | Support | |
90 | Technical Machine: Crisis Punch | Uncommon | Support | |
91 | Ultra Ball | Uncommon | Support | |
92 | Oddish | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
93 | Gloom | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
94 | Vileplume | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
95 | Scyther | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
96 | Hoppip | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
97 | Skiploom | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
98 | Jumpluff | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
99 | Pineco | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
100 | Snover | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
101 | Abomasnow | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
102 | Smoliv | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
103 | Dolliv | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
104 | Arboliva | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
105 | Toedscool | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
106 | Capsakid | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
107 | Scovillain | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
108 | Rellor | Shiny Rare | Grass | |
109 | Charmander | Shiny Rare | Fire | |
110 | Charmeleon | Shiny Rare | Fire | |
111 | Paldean Tauros | Shiny Rare | Fire | |
112 | Entei | Shiny Rare | Fire | |
113 | Oricorio | Shiny Rare | Fire | |
114 | Charcadet | Shiny Rare | Fire | |
115 | Armarouge | Shiny Rare | Fire | |
116 | Slowpoke | Shiny Rare | Water | |
117 | Slowbro | Shiny Rare | Water | |
118 | Staryu | Shiny Rare | Water | |
119 | Starmie | Shiny Rare | Water | |
120 | Paldean Tauros | Shiny Rare | Water | |
121 | Wiglett | Shiny Rare | Water | |
122 | Wugtrio | Shiny Rare | Water | |
123 | Finizen | Shiny Rare | Water | |
124 | Palafin | Shiny Rare | Water | |
125 | Veluza | Shiny Rare | Water | |
126 | Dondozo | Shiny Rare | Water | |
127 | Tatsugiri | Shiny Rare | Water | |
128 | Frigibax | Shiny Rare | Water | |
129 | Arctibax | Shiny Rare | Water | |
130 | Baxcalibur | Shiny Rare | Water | |
131 | Pikachu | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
132 | Raichu | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
133 | Voltorb | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
134 | Electrode | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
135 | Shinx | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
136 | Luxio | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
137 | Luxray | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
138 | Pachirisu | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
139 | Thundurus | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
140 | Toxel | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
141 | Toxtricity | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
142 | Pawmi | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
143 | Pawmo | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
144 | Pawmot | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
145 | Wattrel | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
146 | Kilowattrel | Shiny Rare | Lightning | |
147 | Wigglytuff | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
148 | Abra | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
149 | Kadabra | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
150 | Cleffa | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
151 | Natu | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
152 | Xatu | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
153 | Ralts | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
154 | Kirlia | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
155 | Drifloon | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
156 | Drifblim | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
157 | Mime Jr. | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
158 | Spiritomb | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
159 | Klefki | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
160 | Mimikyu | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
161 | Dachsbun | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
162 | Ceruledge | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
163 | Rabsca | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
164 | Flittle | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
165 | Tinkatink | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
166 | Tinkatuff | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
167 | Tinkaton | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
168 | Houndstone | Shiny Rare | Psychic | |
169 | Mankey | Shiny Rare | Fighting | |
170 | Primeape | Shiny Rare | Fighting | |
171 | Annihilape | Shiny Rare | Fighting | |
172 | Paldean Tauros | Shiny Rare | Fighting | |
173 | Riolu | Shiny Rare | Fighting | |
174 | Lucario | Shiny Rare | Fighting | |
175 | Hawlucha | Shiny Rare | Fighting | |
176 | Nacli | Shiny Rare | Fighting | |
177 | Naclstack | Shiny Rare | Fighting | |
178 | Garganacl | Shiny Rare | Fighting | |
179 | Glimmet | Shiny Rare | Fighting | |
180 | Paldean Wooper | Shiny Rare | Dark | |
181 | Murkrow | Shiny Rare | Dark | |
182 | Sneasel | Shiny Rare | Dark | |
183 | Weavile | Shiny Rare | Dark | |
184 | Sableye | Shiny Rare | Dark | |
185 | Pawniard | Shiny Rare | Dark | |
186 | Bisharp | Shiny Rare | Dark | |
187 | Kingambit | Shiny Rare | Dark | |
188 | Mabosstiff | Shiny Rare | Dark | |
189 | Shroodle | Shiny Rare | Dark | |
190 | Grafaiai | Shiny Rare | Dark | |
191 | Scizor | Shiny Rare | Metal | |
192 | Varoom | Shiny Rare | Metal | |
193 | Revavroom | Shiny Rare | Metal | |
194 | Noibat | Shiny Rare | Dragon | |
195 | Cyclizar | Shiny Rare | Dragon | |
196 | Pidgey | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
197 | Pidgeotto | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
198 | Jigglypuff | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
199 | Doduo | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
200 | Dodrio | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
201 | Ditto | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
202 | Snorlax | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
203 | Wingull | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
204 | Pelipper | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
205 | Skwovet | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
206 | Greedent | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
207 | Lechonk | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
208 | Oinkologne | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
209 | Tandemaus | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
210 | Maushold | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
211 | Flamigo | Shiny Rare | Colorless | |
212 | Forretress ex | Shiny Ultra Rare | Grass | |
213 | Toedscruel ex | Shiny Ultra Rare | Grass | |
214 | Espathra ex | Shiny Ultra Rare | Grass | |
215 | Alakazam ex | Shiny Ultra Rare | Psychic | |
216 | Mew ex | Shiny Ultra Rare | Psychic | |
217 | Gardevoir ex | Shiny Ultra Rare | Psychic | |
218 | Glimmora ex | Shiny Ultra Rare | Fighting | |
219 | Paldean Clodsire ex | Shiny Ultra Rare | Dark | |
220 | Noivern ex | Shiny Ultra Rare | Dragon | |
221 | Pidgeot ex | Shiny Ultra Rare | Colorless | |
222 | Wigglytuff ex | Shiny Ultra Rare | Colorless | |
223 | Squawkabilly ex | Shiny Ultra Rare | Colorless | |
224 | Wugtrio | Illustration Rare | Water | |
225 | Palafin | Illustration Rare | Water | |
226 | Pawmi | Illustration Rare | Lightning | |
227 | Clive | Ultra Rare | Support | |
228 | Judge | Ultra Rare | Support | |
229 | Nemona | Ultra Rare | Support | |
230 | Paldean Student | Ultra Rare | Support | |
231 | Paldean Student | Ultra Rare | Support | |
232 | Mew ex | Special Illustration Rare | Psychic | |
233 | Gardevoir ex | Special Illustration Rare | Psychic | |
234 | Charizard ex | Special Illustration Rare | Dark | |
235 | Arven | Special Illustration Rare | Support | |
236 | Clive | Special Illustration Rare | Support | |
237 | Iono | Special Illustration Rare | Support | |
238 | Nemona | Special Illustration Rare | Support | |
239 | Penny | Special Illustration Rare | Support | |
240 | Wo-Chien ex | Hyper Rare | Grass | |
241 | Chi-Yu ex | Hyper Rare | Fire | |
242 | Chien-Pao ex | Hyper Rare | Water | |
243 | Miraidon ex | Hyper Rare | Lightning | |
244 | Ting-Lu ex | Hyper Rare | Fighting | |
245 | Koraidon ex | Hyper Rare | Fighting |