Pokémon Sword & Shield
Release Date: February 7, 2020
Sword & Shield is a Pokemon TCG expansion set that is the first in the new generation 8 series. This set introduces two new card types called Pokemon V and Pokemon VMAX cards.
See the full checklist here – Pokémon Sword & Shield Checklist
Pokémon Sword & Shield
Pokémon Sword & Shield
- Sword & Shield is a Pokemon TCG expansion set that is the first in the new generation 8 series. This set introduces two new card types called Pokemon V and Pokemon VMAX cards.
- As well as featuring new Pokemon from the Sword & Shields series, it also features the two legendary faces of the games: Zacian and Zamazenta.
- The set contains over 200 cards, including 14 secret rare cards.

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Holo Rare
Holo Rare V
Holo Rare VMAX
Rare Rainbow
Secret Rare
Ultra Rare
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Full Set
216 card set
# | Character | Type | Element | |
1 | Celebi V | Holo Rare V | Grass | |
2 | Roselia | Common | Grass | |
3 | Roselia | Common | Grass | |
4 | Roserade | Rare | Grass | |
5 | Cottonee | Common | Grass | |
6 | Whimsicott | Rare | Grass | |
7 | Maractus | Common | Grass | |
8 | Durant | Rare | Grass | |
9 | Dhelmise V | Holo Rare V | Grass | |
10 | Grookey | Common | Grass | |
11 | Grookey | Common | Grass | |
12 | Thwackey | Uncommon | Grass | |
13 | Thwackey | Uncommon | Grass | |
14 | Rillaboom | Holo Rare | Grass | |
15 | Rillaboom | Rare | Grass | |
16 | Blipbug | Common | Grass | |
17 | Blipbug | Common | Grass | |
18 | Dottler | Uncommon | Grass | |
19 | Orbeetle | Rare | Grass | |
20 | Gossifleur | Common | Grass | |
21 | Eldegoss | Uncommon | Grass | |
22 | Vulpix | Common | Fire | |
23 | Ninetales | Rare | Fire | |
24 | Torkoal V | Holo Rare V | Fire | |
25 | Victini V | Holo Rare V | Fire | |
26 | Heatmor | Uncommon | Fire | |
27 | Salandit | Common | Fire | |
28 | Salazzle | Uncommon | Fire | |
29 | Turtonator | Rare | Fire | |
30 | Scorbunny | Common | Fire | |
31 | Scorbunny | Common | Fire | |
32 | Raboot | Uncommon | Fire | |
33 | Raboot | Uncommon | Fire | |
34 | Cinderace | Holo Rare | Fire | |
35 | Cinderace | Holo Rare | Fire | |
36 | Cinderace | Rare | Fire | |
37 | Sizzlipede | Common | Fire | |
38 | Sizzlipede | Common | Fire | |
39 | Centiskorch | Rare | Fire | |
40 | Shellder | Common | Water | |
41 | Cloyster | Rare | Water | |
42 | Krabby | Common | Water | |
43 | Krabby | Common | Water | |
44 | Kingler | Uncommon | Water | |
45 | Goldeen | Common | Water | |
46 | Goldeen | Common | Water | |
47 | Seaking | Uncommon | Water | |
48 | Lapras | Rare | Water | |
49 | Lapras V | Holo Rare V | Water | |
50 | Lapras VMAX | Holo Rare VMAX | Water | |
51 | Qwilfish | Uncommon | Water | |
52 | Mantine | Uncommon | Water | |
53 | Keldeo V | Holo Rare V | Water | |
54 | Sobble | Common | Water | |
55 | Sobble | Common | Water | |
56 | Drizzile | Uncommon | Water | |
57 | Drizzile | Uncommon | Water | |
58 | Inteleon | Holo Rare | Water | |
59 | Inteleon | Rare | Water | |
60 | Chewtle | Common | Water | |
61 | Drednaw | Rare | Water | |
62 | Cramorant | Rare | Water | |
63 | Snom | Common | Water | |
64 | Frosmoth | Holo Rare | Water | |
65 | Pikachu | Common | Lightning | |
66 | Raichu | Rare | Lightning | |
67 | Chinchou | Common | Lightning | |
68 | Chinchou | Common | Lightning | |
69 | Lanturn | Rare | Lightning | |
70 | Joltik | Common | Lightning | |
71 | Galvantula | Uncommon | Lightning | |
72 | Tapu Koko V | Holo Rare V | Lightning | |
73 | Yamper | Common | Lightning | |
74 | Yamper | Common | Lightning | |
75 | Boltund | Holo Rare | Lightning | |
76 | Boltund | Holo Rare | Lightning | |
77 | Pincurchin | Common | Lightning | |
78 | Morpeko | Rare | Lightning | |
79 | Morpeko V | Holo Rare V | Lightning | |
80 | Morpeko VMAX | Holo Rare VMAX | Lightning | |
81 | Galarian Ponyta | Common | Psychic | |
82 | Galarian Rapidash | Rare | Psychic | |
83 | Gastly | Common | Psychic | |
84 | Haunter | Uncommon | Psychic | |
85 | Gengar | Holo Rare | Psychic | |
86 | Wobbuffet V | Holo Rare V | Psychic | |
87 | Munna | Common | Psychic | |
88 | Musharna | Rare | Psychic | |
89 | Sinistea | Common | Psychic | |
90 | Polteageist | Rare | Psychic | |
91 | Indeedee V | Holo Rare V | Psychic | |
92 | Diglett | Common | Fighting | |
93 | Dugtrio | Uncommon | Fighting | |
94 | Hitmonlee | Uncommon | Fighting | |
95 | Hitmonchan | Uncommon | Fighting | |
96 | Rhyhorn | Common | Fighting | |
97 | Rhyhorn | Common | Fighting | |
98 | Rhydon | Uncommon | Fighting | |
99 | Rhyperior | Holo Rare | Fighting | |
100 | Sudowoodo | Uncommon | Fighting | |
101 | Baltoy | Common | Fighting | |
102 | Baltoy | Common | Fighting | |
103 | Claydol | Rare | Fighting | |
104 | Regirock V | Holo Rare V | Fighting | |
105 | Mudbray | Common | Fighting | |
106 | Mudsdale | Rare | Fighting | |
107 | Silicobra | Common | Fighting | |
108 | Silicobra | Common | Fighting | |
109 | Sandaconda | Rare | Fighting | |
110 | Sandaconda | Holo Rare | Fighting | |
111 | Clobbopus | Common | Fighting | |
112 | Clobbopus | Common | Fighting | |
113 | Grapploct | Rare | Fighting | |
114 | Stonjourner | Rare | Fighting | |
115 | Stonjourner V | Holo Rare V | Fighting | |
116 | Stonjourner VMAX | Holo Rare VMAX | Fighting | |
117 | Galarian Zigzagoon | Common | Fighting | |
118 | Galarian Linoone | Uncommon | Dark | |
119 | Galarian Obstagoon | Holo Rare | Dark | |
120 | Sableye V | Holo Rare V | Dark | |
121 | Skorupi | Common | Dark | |
122 | Drapion | Rare | Dark | |
123 | Croagunk | Common | Dark | |
124 | Toxicroak | Holo Rare | Dark | |
125 | Nickit | Common | Dark | |
126 | Thievul | Rare | Dark | |
127 | Galarian Meowth | Common | Metal | |
128 | Galarian Perrserker | Holo Rare | Metal | |
129 | Mawile | Common | Metal | |
130 | Ferroseed | Common | Metal | |
131 | Ferrothorn | Uncommon | Metal | |
132 | Galarian Stunfisk | Uncommon | Metal | |
133 | Pawniard | Common | Metal | |
134 | Bisharp | Uncommon | Metal | |
135 | Corviknight | Rare | Metal | |
136 | Cufant | Common | Metal | |
137 | Copperajah | Holo Rare | Metal | |
138 | Zacian V | Holo Rare V | Metal | |
139 | Zamazenta V | Holo Rare V | Metal | |
140 | Snorlax | Rare | Colorless | |
141 | Snorlax V | Holo Rare V | Colorless | |
142 | Snorlax VMAX | Holo Rare VMAX | Colorless | |
143 | Hoothoot | Common | Colorless | |
144 | Noctowl | Rare | Colorless | |
145 | Minccino | Common | Colorless | |
146 | Minccino | Common | Colorless | |
147 | Cinccino | Rare | Colorless | |
148 | Oranguru | Holo Rare | Colorless | |
149 | Drampa | Rare | Colorless | |
150 | Rookidee | Common | Colorless | |
151 | Corvisquire | Uncommon | Colorless | |
152 | Wooloo | Common | Colorless | |
153 | Wooloo | Common | Colorless | |
154 | Dubwool | Uncommon | Colorless | |
155 | Cramorant V | Holo Rare V | Colorless | |
156 | Air Balloon | Uncommon | Support | |
157 | Bede | Uncommon | Support | |
158 | Big Charm | Uncommon | Support | |
159 | Crushing Hammer | Uncommon | Support | |
160 | Energy Retrieval | Uncommon | Support | |
161 | Energy Search | Uncommon | Support | |
162 | Energy Switch | Uncommon | Support | |
163 | Evolution Incense | Uncommon | Support | |
164 | Great Ball | Uncommon | Support | |
165 | Hop | Uncommon | Support | |
166 | Hyper Potion | Uncommon | Support | |
167 | Lucky Egg | Uncommon | Support | |
168 | Lum Berry | Uncommon | Support | |
169 | Marnie | Holo Rare | Support | |
170 | Metal Saucer | Uncommon | Support | |
171 | Ordinary Rod | Uncommon | Support | |
172 | Pal Pad | Uncommon | Support | |
173 | Poké Kid | Uncommon | Support | |
174 | Pokégear 3.0 | Uncommon | Support | |
175 | Pokémon Catcher | Uncommon | Support | |
176 | Pokémon Center Lady | Uncommon | Support | |
177 | Potion | Uncommon | Support | |
178 | Professor’s Research | Holo Rare | Support | |
179 | Quick Ball | Uncommon | Support | |
180 | Rare Candy | Uncommon | Support | |
181 | Rotom Bike | Uncommon | Support | |
182 | Sitrus Berry | Uncommon | Support | |
183 | Switch | Uncommon | Support | |
184 | Team Yell Grunt | Uncommon | Support | |
185 | Vitality Band | Uncommon | Support | |
186 | Aurora Energy | Uncommon | Support | |
187 | Dhelmise V | Ultra Rare | Grass | |
188 | Torkoal V | Ultra Rare | Fire | |
189 | Lapras V | Ultra Rare | Water | |
190 | Morpeko V | Ultra Rare | Lightning | |
191 | Wobbuffet V | Ultra Rare | Psychic | |
192 | Indeedee V | Ultra Rare | Psychic | |
193 | Stonjourner V | Ultra Rare | Fighting | |
194 | Sableye V | Ultra Rare | Dark | |
195 | Zacian V | Ultra Rare | Metal | |
196 | Zamazenta V | Ultra Rare | Metal | |
197 | Snorlax V | Ultra Rare | Colorless | |
198 | Cramorant V | Ultra Rare | Colorless | |
199 | Bede | Ultra Rare | Support | |
200 | Marnie | Ultra Rare | Support | |
201 | Professor’s Research | Ultra Rare | Support | |
202 | Team Yell Grunt | Ultra Rare | Support | |
203 | Lapras VMAX | Rare Rainbow | Water | |
204 | Morpeko VMAX | Rare Rainbow | Lightning | |
205 | Stonjourner VMAX | Rare Rainbow | Fighting | |
206 | Snorlax VMAX | Rare Rainbow | Colorless | |
207 | Bede | Rare Rainbow | Support | |
208 | Marnie | Rare Rainbow | Support | |
209 | Professor’s Research | Rare Rainbow | Support | |
210 | Team Yell Grunt | Rare Rainbow | Support | |
211 | Zacian V | Secret Rare | Metal | |
212 | Zamazenta V | Secret Rare | Metal | |
213 | Air Balloon | Secret Rare | Support | |
214 | Metal Saucer | Secret Rare | Support | |
215 | Ordinary Rod | Secret Rare | Support | |
216 | Quick Ball | Secret Rare | Support |